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Why Space Planning Is Important

Why Space Planning Is Important

A large section of a business’ running expenditure is going to be made up of labour costs (the salaries of managers of the business as well as the staff) and accommodation, (renting of office space and utilities, etc.) When planning your space effectively it will have a direct influence on both of the above mentioned expenses which is why it is such a critical factor and directly affects the bottom line of the business.
The quality of your space planning is going to directly affect the influence of your office space that is required to accommodate your staff members. Space planning is important because it ensures optimal use of your floor area without any wasted space which is often used on unnecessary storage, circulation and other wasteful spaces and activities. The goal is to make the most use of every little bit of space for its intended purpose, whether it’s for meeting areas, workstations, pause areas and even for circulation. In short, a well designed and thought out space plan is going to allow you to make the best use of the floor area you have available.
The practicality and quality of the environment that your staff members have to work in will directly influence their well-being. It is also going to have an influence on absenteeism as well as productivity. When you have an effective working environment with properly designed amenities it has a positive influence on the efficiency and morale of your staff members. It has been proven that employees who have happier are going to perform better and be more productive, which means a greater turnover for your business.
If you are thinking about space planning, interior decor, shop fitting and even construction for your business, Bel Geddes id the right company for you. At Bel Geddes our design team is equally at home with creating an entire new look, or refurbishing an existing identity for your business. For more information on the services we have to offer and how we can assist your business, contact us on 011 805 2605 or visit our website on www.belgeddesinterior.co.za.

Why Use Drywall?

Why Use Drywall?

It’s easier to repair – Drywall is just as durable as plaster, however, when it comes to damages such as holes, cracks and chips, dry walling is much quicker and easier to repair, not to mention, it’s cheaper. Which is why drywall is generally preferred over plaster by many commercial building owners and businessmen. Furthermore,… Continue Reading